St. Luke’s Pastoral Care Ministry is rooted in the Gospel mandate and after the example of Jesus to comfort the sick and dying. Recognizing the clear connection between spirituality, faith, healing and well-being, Pastoral Care Ministry serves to bring the healing presence of the Eucharist to those who are homebound, in nursing homes or other health care facilities and to those who are in the hospital. This comforting and special ministry provides prayer, guidance, advocacy, education and counseling in concert with the Sacraments of the Eucharist, Reconciliation and Anointing of the Sick. There are several ministries under the umbrella of Pastoral Care:
Visitation Ministry
Through personal visits, members of the Visitation Ministry bring the presence of Jesus through the Eucharist and the prayers and love of St. Luke’s community to those who are home bound, in hospitals, nursing homes or other health care facilities.
Bereavement Ministry
Bereavement Ministry is available to bring a sense of comfort and hope to those who have experienced the loss of a loved one. This ministry also provides spiritual resources to grieving families through spiritual and prayer resources, pastoral counseling, and Bereavement Support Groups. The Bereavement Ministry also assists in the annual All Souls Day Memorial Mass celebrated on November 2.
Prayer Chain Ministry
The Prayer Chain Ministry is a telephone chain whereby prayer requests are passed on to the next person in the link. Those who are contacted pray for the requests and needs of those who ask for prayers.
The Martha Ministry
The Martha Ministry is patterned after Martha’s hospitality to Jesus in the Gospel. The ministers provide baked goods for parish events, programs and activities.
Works Of Mercy Initiative – Sponsored by Schenectady Area Roman Catholic Churches

Mission Statement
The Works of Mercy Initiative aims to identify those who are most in need and connect them with others to experience Christ’s healing touch. In comforting the afflicted, we pray all will find their path to salvation.
In order to accomplish this mission, the Works of Mercy Initiative will enhance and coordinate existing Pastoral Care and Christian Service programs and partner as appropriate with agencies and organizations within the county.
Corporal Works of Mercy
Spiritual Works of Mercy